Editorial Board   Editorial Policy    Instructions to Authors
   Copyright Transfer

ACCOUNTANCY BUSINESS AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST is an interdisciplinary journal. We are interested in a wide variety of papers that are accessible and engage with the social world (for editorial policy click here).

Accountancy Business and the Public Interest is a free on-line journal. There are no submission fees. It is available free-of-charge to the public.  All processes associated with the submission, review, publication and dissemination of the paper are conducted electronically.

Authors are requested to submit manuscripts electronically (in Word or equivalent) to either of the joint editors at or

Only original manuscripts would be considered. They must not have already been published or  be simultaneously under review with another journal.  Manuscripts should be in WORD and should not be of excessive length. Most  are expected to be in range of 5000-8000 words.

All manuscripts should be double-spaced, with at least 2.54 cm (or one inch) margins on the sides, top and bottom. The cover page should include the author's name, title, affiliation and acknowledgments (if any), together with the full corresponding address (including e-mail). All pages, tables, equations and footnotes should be serially numbered. Authors should use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should be used sparingly and only to provide some essential background information. All headings should be in bold, centered and capitalized. Secondary headings should be flush left. All manuscripts should contain a full list of the works cited.

Initially, the editors will scan the manuscripts for completeness and acceptability. Manuscripts that are considered to be appropriate for the journal will be the subject of a double-blind review by anonymous reviewers. Reviewers are asked to make a constructive evaluation of all papers. In the light of the reviewers' evaluation, the editors will make a accept, reject, revise decision.

All manuscripts are scanned for evidence of plagiarism. Any papers containing evidence of plagarism will be rejected and the authors will be banned for life from publication in this journal.

All correspondence concerning the  review, accept/reject decision will be via e-mail.

In the interest of clarity, grammar, style and format the journal reserves the right to edit  accepted manuscripts. Before publication, all authors will be asked to assign the copyright to the journal.  However, the authors retain the right to use the article or any part thereof free of charge in a  printed collection of their works, collected writings, books, thesis, lecture notes, monographs and articles.