The ACCA Election Effect

ACCA leadership is used to fixing the outcome of the council elections. For years, the ballot papers were counted by senior management, giving plenty of opportunities for manipulating the results. Eventually, after external pressures they agreed to have independent scrutineers. But the candidates for elections still have to submit their nomination papers to senior management. This gives them plenty of opportunity to encourage rival candidates to stand. The senior management actively decide which candidates ought to be supported or otherwise(click here for more).

ACCA leadership is silent on the number of its 'favorite' candidates for the 2002 elections. Some of the results are quite interesting.

Vishnu Maharaj and Subhas Purgas representing Trinidad & Tobago and Mauritius got elected with 2,871 and 2,396 votes respectively even though these islands barely have a membership of 1,000 each (ONLY 11 COUNTRIES HAVE MORE THAN 500 ACCA MEMBERS).  So how many proxy votes did they each get and what were they expected to do in return?