ACCA officials removed President-elect Ray Gardiner from his position on 6th May, but have failed to give any public explanation. ACCA website has plenty of propoganda but no real news.
This item appared in The Times on 13th May 1999

Forgotten comrade

 HOW short their memories are. This time last
 week, the big issue in the Association of
 Chartered Certified Accountants was whether
 to ditch their new president on the day he was
 due to take up office. The answer was that
 they did. But you would never guess so from
 their press statements or their website. "New
 officers elected" is the headline. Poor old Ray
 Gardiner, unceremoniously dumped on his
 birthday because of fear that he might tell the
 ACCA chief executive what he thought of her,
 gets not a mention. Like in the old-days
 Kremlin, he has become a non-person.
 Meanwhile, lawyers gather like a cloud over the
 ACCA headquarters.