The ACCA leadership continues to manufacture rules to suit its own convenience. At the 1995 and 1996 EGMs members were told that ordinary members can't elect the leadership because the leadership needs to be experienced. And that this means that the President needs to be do an apprenticeship. Thus the "appointee" first becomes Vice-President, then Deputy President and finally President.

The above rules, if they ever were rules, have now been totally destroyed. After impeaching the President elect, Ray Gardiner, on 6th May 1999, Vice-President John Brockwell has become President. He never held the position of Deputy-President. Moyra Kedslie has been on the ACCA Council only since 1996, having never held a senior position outside ACCA. She has not held the position of Vice-President, but after only three years and half a dozen meetings has become Deputy President. So what happened to the lame excuse that the leadership gave to ACCA members? Seemingly, the rules are made up to suit an unaccountable elite.

Their shenanigans will help the ACCA to be a credible world class accountancy body.