Campaigning MP, Austin Mitchell has lodged an offocial compliant with ACCA, arguing that the leadership and the whole Council has violated its bye-laws. The text of the letter is reproduced below.

Michael Foulds Esq
The President
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
29 Lincoln’s Inn Fields
London WC2A 3EE                                                               11 February 1999

Dear Mr. Foulds,

I am writing to lodge a complaint against the ACCA Council for wilful violation of its bye-law 20. The bye-law states that “At the first meeting of the Council after each Annual General Meeting of the Association, the members of the Council shall choose from among their number a President, A Deputy-President and a Vice-President .......”

The above bye-law has been deliberately violated. In November 1998, the Council chose Ms Moyra Kedslie to be the next Vice-President. This appointment was contested by Mr. Tony Cruise who was seconded by Ray Gardiner. There is no provision in the bye-laws to enable ACCA Council to choose a Vice-President some 5-6 months before the AGM. Therefore, the Council has acted outside its authority. If my information is incorrect please feel free to deny that fact that Ms Kedslie and Mr. Cruise did not contest the post, or that Tony Cruise was not seconded by Ray Gardiner, or Council members did not vote.

As the ACCA bye-laws have been violated during your term of office, it is reasonable to assume that this disqualifies your from investigating my complaint.

Yours sincerely

Austin Mitchell