ACCA’s reputation for censorship is only matched by totalitarian regimes of the former Eastern European Communist bloc.
The official magazine Accounting & Business’ is carefully censored. Letters critical of the leadership rarely appear. Critics are not given any voice through articles or commentaries. Most members throw the magazine in the bin. Yet members are forced to receive the magazine and subsidise its cost.
The ICAEW magazine ‘Accountancy’ makes money for the Institute. Accountancy Age is given away free yet makes a huge profit for its publisher. The ACCA magazine is a burden and poor value for money. In year 2000, ACCA members subsidised the magazine for £758,000 (1999 - £810,000).
ACCA members should not be forced to subsidise the magazine. Like other
magazines, it should be forced to stand on its own feet. Members should
be able to say that they do not wish to receive the magazine. Those declining
to receive it should pay lower fees.