ACCA council is not known for using members’ monies wisely. A recent example of this the three-day council meeting held in Malaysia.

 ACCA PR machine is in full swing and telling the world that the council meeting is part of the process of reinforcing its global credentials. Such PR fools no one.

The council meeting provided 36 council members and various administrators an all expenses paid trip to Malaysia, estimated to cost around £120,000.

The real issue is that ACCA is losing its grip on its traditional markets and its stratgey of domination and control has failed.  ACCA has hardly any influence in the UK, far less anywhere else. ACCA members don’t get the top jobs. You need to look no further than the ACCA itself. Its current CEO does not have the ACCA qualification and neither did his predecessor. A number of its directors did not pass the ACCA examinations either. Why should anyone hire ACCA qualified individuals for the top jobs?

The value of ACCA qualifications in Hong Kong is now diluted. The HKICPA qualification is recognised. Anyone passing ACCA exams will need to sit additional exams to secure a practicing certificate in Hong Kong. HKICPA will also be setting exams in China. ACCA has not been able to get a toe-hold in India either. Thus two of the largest emerging markets have no place for ACCA. The reason for this is that over the years ACCA officials have antagonised local bodies and people. ACCA insists on control through London and operates in the colonial style. This denies local autonomy and is also insensitive to local needs. This is inappropriate and deservedly failed.

The same logic is creating resentment in Malaysia. The objective of ACCA is not to help local people to build local institutional structures but to create dependency on London. ACCA collects its fees local people get nothing, just new colonial domination.

The reason for holding council meeting in Malaysia in mid-September was to appease local critics. But they can see that it is simply an empty gesture. It changes nothing. Local members do not get any autonomy or control over their affairs. The same colonial model continues to control their lives.

 The question is how long would Malaysian authorities be content with the colonial rule, or will they emulate Hong Kong, China and India and control their own destiny?  Hopefully, they will strike a blow for autonomy. If Malaysia cannot organise even a minor thing like a local accountancy profession, it would find it difficult to be taken seriously in global stakes.

ACCA is very adept at silencing debate. There is no forum for members to discuss any issues about the governance of the Association. Most local district societies are controlled by the Head Office. Annual General Meetings are a sham. Questions can be raised but are rarely answered by the unelected officeholders. There is no discussion of anything, just fully rehearsed PR statements. Full minutes of the meetings are never produced. Spontaneous questions are no allowed as there is no such thing as "Any Other Business" (AOB).

 Anyone seeking to question the policies is never elected to council as ACCA does not have one-person-one-vote system. The officeholders cast thousands of votes for their cronies through the delegated proxy voting system. Voting for council elections is rigged. The unelected officeholders effectively "appoint" council members. They stifle debate and discussion. They cannot see the failures of the policies, which have weakened the Association. It has no influence in the UK or EU.  Its qualifications are not recognised in US, Canada, Australia and South Africa.  Hong Kong, China and India are the new visible signs of failures of such policies. Malaysia would be next.