Anthea Lorraine Rose (DoB 2 December 1946) has the following company directorships and secretariships recorded against her name at Companies House. Many are related to ACCA and are probably dormant. However, all may not be dormant. ACCA's annual accounts do not provide a list of the directorships and secretariships held by council members or senior staff.
ACCA claims to have a Register of Council Members' Interests, which it claims is a public document. However, when Professor Prem Sikka visited the ACCA's offices to view it, it could not be found. Subsequently, he was told that he needed to make an appointment to see this 'public document'. Is it really a public document? Why can the leadership not put this alleged register on the internet?
There is no Register of Senior Management's Interests. How is it that the ACCA management could dream up a Register for the Council Members' Interests, but omitted to do the same for themselves? ACCA's senior management are not elected and wield enormous power. No doubt, everything is above board and very honourable. But it would be helpful if the ACCA embraced what is preaches. Isn't it time the ACCA fully complied with the letter and spirit of FRS8 "Related Party Disclosures".
The information provided below (and much more) should form part of the disclosures in the ACCA's annual report. But all the companies are not listed there.
Accountancy Education Services Ltd
Accountancy Educational Projects Ltd
Accountancy Education Limited
Accountancy Education Services Ltd
Accountancy Open Learning Limited
Certified Accountants Educational Projects Ltd
Certified Accountants Educational Trustees Ltd
Certified Accountants Investment Company Ltd
Certified Accountants (Publications) Ltd
Certified Nominees Ltd
Open Learning Limited
Seacron Limited
The London Association of Accountants Limited
The Institution of Certified Public Accountants
(1942) Limited
The Institute of Accounting Staff
The Corporation of Accountants Limited
The Institute of Accounting Technicians Ltd
Broadbay Properties Ltd Secretary
The company's registered office is Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, Tunnel Lane, Kings Norton, Birmingham, West Midlands B30 3JN. Until recently, this was the business address of Peter Langard, the 1996/97 former ACCA President. Mr. Langard was ACCA council member from 1983-2001. The company was incorporated on 11 April 2000.
Peter Langard chaired numerous ACCA committees and was also chairman of the ACCA's remuneration committee which gave massive salary and pension rises to Anthea Rose. What business links did/does he have with ACCA's senior management? The ACCA's annual reports do not report any link between any of its officials and the company.
A.T. Foulks Lynch Limited Director
The company is part of the Nord Anglia Plc which owns a number of colleges.
The Association receives publication royalties from a number of colleges.
The exact details are not available in the annual accounts. The ACCA's
annual reports do not report any link between any of its officials and
the company.