ACCA chief executive, Anthea Rose,  is due to take early retirement in December 2001 - possibly with a golden handshake. According to the Association's 1999 accounts she received a salary of  £160,932, unspecified amounts for luxurious overseas travels and £19,452 to take her husband with her on her world travels.

However, the financial rewards will not end with Rose's retirement. AABA has learnt that after retirement Rose will continue as a consultant with  ACCA. This may require 1-2 days work per week for a fee of  up to £100,000. An inner cabal has fixed this agreement. All ACCA council members have not been made aware of this deal. No approval has been sought from ordinary  ACCA members. Members have not been told of the terms of the contract. There will be no disclosure of this 'relate party' transaction.

Anthea  Rose is not an ACCA member. How many ACCA members earn £100,000 for a part-time position?