ACCA's leadership is well known for censorship and intolerance of alternative views. Now it has sunk to new depths.

It is understood that former Deputy-President, Ray Gardiner, had planned to speak in support of the EGM called by former council member Anthony Thomas. He apparently told the leadership of his intentions to do so and support the EGM resolution. In any sensible organization people would respect such wishes. But then ACCA is not like any other organization.

In May 1999, an 'inner council' organized to a vote of no-confidence and prevented Ray Gardiner from taking the office of ACCA President. There was no suggestion that they would take any disciplinary action against him for the alleged statements made in support of the disciplinary hearing of another ACCA council member, Robert Jackson. Now that an EGM is looming and that Ray Gardiner has told the leadership of his intention to speak they are threatening to silence him. AABA has learnt that a shadowy committee known as the 'Investigations Committee' is due to meet at the end of January 2000 and will look for ways of charging Gardiner. After this ACCA will say that Gardiner cannot speak at the EGM because the EGM raises questions about the coup against him. AABA's moles are busy working and we will bring you more news.

Anyone concerned with the good name of the Association should vote for the EGM resolution and ensure that the current cabal treating the Association as a personal plaything is booted out.