At its November 1999 council meeting the ACCA insiders are set to "appoint" the next Vice-President. Members will have no say in this. They will be given no information about the person either. All the runners and riders are now jockeying for position but it is not a stampede (see below). Some of the essential ingredients are that

'The unpalatable fact is there is just is nobody on ACCA Council to represent the UK profession on the world scene where influence with the major economies is crucial.  ACCA's 'International' power base is largely confined to an imperialist role in offshore islands and some former British colonies.

ACCA  complains about being excluded from international forums  (e.g. IFAC) and that other UK bodies do not take it seriously. It has less than 30,000 active members in the UK and about the same in more than 100 other countries. Hardly a big force. In reality, it needs to  put its own house in order before carping and complaining about the treatment received from the other five UK bodies (For a glimpse of ACCA's undemocratic practices, click here).

The ACCA's inability to provide suitable candidates to represent the UK profession are not helped when one realises that less than half a dozen (15%) of the present council members attended University. Perhaps, this explains why they are so intolerant of debate and are hardly able to make sense of the fast changing environment. Have you ever come across a big idea from an ACCa officeholder? The UK Prime Minister has set a target for 50% of all youngsters to attend University!!

Some of the individuals currently sitting on ACCA council  once held senior positions, but at least seven have been put out to grass (otherwise known as resting or 'working from home as  consultants')

At least 20 are well past their sell-by date and are probably already negotiating decent retirement arrangement.

ACCA's misuse of the Proxy vote has contributed to this emasculated Council. The "self-appointed" leadership is not really worried about the consequences as they will sitting in their retirement cottages.

The paucity of candidates available to enter race for ACCA's next Vice President tells the story. Here we provide a guide to the runners and riders, assuming they get to pass the Rose stables.

Current Officers (do not need to enter the race)
Brockwell: Marks & Spencer manager - low profile in country keeps him out of firing line
Kedslie: age 60 and retired (rapidly). For further information click here
Auger: age 61 and long retired

Non Runners
Gardiner: nobbled at the starting post
Jackson: withdrawn by stewards
Cruse: injured and retired
Hall: too old

Late withdrawal
Smith: a bit of a newcomer.

Brace: infected by Practice Society.

Overseas runners with little potential
Chan: too far to travel
Soon: Probably the only ACCA council member with a real power base in Malaysia and could stand up to the owner (a Mrs. Rose). Hence feared and bound to be ignored.
Madden: too old

Rutherford: A conservative academic keeps to himself - does not want higher profile.
Samuels: discovered ACCA Council at bright old age of 60

Freshers with six months service: Too green and too risky.

Novices with eighteen months service. Still learning the hurdles

Old Hacks -past presidents with 20 years loyal service [especially to present owner] with nothing else to do.

Retired VIP's living on the memories of the good life

                                                    FAVOURITES FOR THE RACE

Beckerlegge: a regular entrant who prefers fences to flat.  Currently identified with out of date and out of favour compulsory audit for small companies but will quickly grasp the new policy when its explained to him.  Past winners have always received his support after they have won.

Harris: excellent, intelligent and capable filly, but this alter ego of ACCA's Owner is likely to wilt in the glare of the Sun.  Same Oxford College, same place of worship, same group of friends.  But too ambitious, too well qualified with a good job and a successful family. Likely to refuse.

Kerr: An inexperienced Scottish colt but much favoured by the old hacks for his reliability, devotion to them and knowing his place Adored by ACCA's owner.  It's rumoured that his Chairman might put the BOOTS in as he isn't too keen on the company he keeps and may not may allow him to run.

Our odds on favourite is 'Beckerlegge', some from the Lincoln's Inn betting shop say that it  is a foregone conclusion, who meets the requirements admirably BUT he may not quite project the image required by ACCA's Owner (a Mrs. Rose).  She has been known to pull a fast one as they line up, and there's talk of her arranging a second term for an old re-trainer.