The Private Fiefdom of ACCA: Members are not allowed to vote on executive remuneration
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Everyone knows the UK and most of the world has been going through one of the deepest recessions. Many individuals are facing  real cuts in their wages. However, none of its applies to the fat cats at ACCA. Their salaries keep on going up and up, even though they provide little support to ordinary members. Unelected individuals sitting on  the phony remuneration committee are out of touch with what ordinary people are facing.

Here are notes from ACCA's 2015 annual accounts

"The total salary (including bonus and allowances) and benefits of the Chief Executive in the year ended 31 March 2015 was £368,157 (year ended 31 March 2014: £339,772). This includes a fixed non-pensionable allowance in lieu of pension benefits, introduced in August 2013 when the Chief Executive agreed to vary her contract of employment following the closure of the defined benefit pension scheme and an additional allowance in lieu of pension contributions – see ‘Pensions and Benefits’ below. Excluding the ‘pension’ allowances referred to above, and to give a ‘like for like’ comparison, the total salary and benefits for the Chief Executive in the year ended 31 March 2015 was £328,191 (year ended 31 March 2014: £313,490).

Following the restructure of the Executive Team, the Executive Directors’ base salaries were reviewed and benchmarked against similar roles in other organisations. As a result the salaries for the Executive Director roles increased by between 4.3% and 15.4%. These all came into effect from 1 April 2014."

The unelected chief executive's salary has increased by nearly £29,000 since last year. Many hard working individuals don't even earn that in a year. Unelected directors have received rises of up to 15.4%. Service to members has not increased by 15.4% or even by 4.3%. ACCA fees keep on going up and up. Members have no say in such matters.

ACCA members are not permitted to vote on chief executive or director remuneration. They cannot express their views on ACCA's practices, operations and policies. The only way to show displeasure is by voting against the annual accounts.