Have you heard the propaganda from ACCA bureaucrats? They claim that ACCA is global and also rules the world and that all over the world governments are queuing up to listen to them. Funny, how they have failed to provide information about the global composition of the ACCA membership.

Earlier this year, Professor Prem Sikka asked ACCA for a breakdown of its membership by geographical areas. In response ACCA's spokesperson claimed that such information is "confidential" (here is the e-mail dated 5th April 2000: The statistics to which you refer are confidential within ACCA and are not published). Of course, the bureaucrats were going to say that because the request for information co-incided with an AGM motion to raise the number of signatories for EGMs. The bureaucrats were not going to release information that could arguably have led to a more informed debate.

As the leadership prefers to keep members in the dark AABA is now able to publish the relevant information below. It shows that ACCA is collection of former British colonies and offshore islands. It has no great presence anywhere. The largest membership is in the UK but ACCA has no influence in the UK. Witness the way ACCA's concerns have been brushed aside over the raising of the small company audit threshold.

As you  read the information below please remember that 1% of the membership needs to sign a requisition for an EGM. In most cases the entire membership in a country could be unhappy with the ACCA management but will not be able to secure an EGM because they do not have 710 members (assuming that the ACCA membership is 71,000).
ACCA Membership by Country 1995-1999 (more than 50 members)

                 1999     1998     1997     1996             1995

UK           38124    35846     33057     29581     26774
Non UK
Ireland          3871    3560      3210     2654       2203
Hong Kong 11138   10091     9092     7705       6762
Malaysia        4601   4094     3631     3081       2718
Singapore      3074   2778     2453     2036        1791
Canada            911     881      848       801           767
Australia         847     791      773       752           718
Cyprus            773     700      617       526           468
Trinidad         763     696      593       487           409
USA               779     691      602       542           521
Mauritius        755    660      568        444          358
Jamaica          622    561      480        393          325
Kenya             431    438      401        355          326
Zambia           374    335      288        211          196
Nigeria          352     401      388        378          442
Ghana            230     230      218        196          191
Malta             201     188      179        169          158
China             237     155       97          55             53
Barbados       193     179     169        148           131
Malawi          172     162     122         97              92
New Zealand 171     165     147       128            119
South Africa   157    136     126       120            108
Poland            152      98     ---        ---               ---
Russia            125      85     ---        ---               ---
UAE               124    121     101         94             83
Czech Rep      116     64      ----        ---               --
Botswana       110    100       84         66             60
France            109      93       86         79             76
Uganda           105      74       61         ---               --
Tanzania          95       95       91         86            96
Switzerland     83       66       62         61            62
Sri Lanka         75       68       58
Netherlands     70       55         -        --                ---
Bahamas          65       61       58         53             55
Hungary           65       55         --        --                --
Guyana            58       59       56         ---              --
Saudi Arabia   57       60       62         59             64
Greece             55         --        --        - -             - -
Other            1598    1191   1268     1223         1157

Outside UK &
                     29543    26677  23779   20341     18253
Total            71538    66083   60046  52576    47230