An official document produced for ACCA council identifies a number of weaknesses (see below) in ACCA's strategy and future direction. The poorly drafted document provides no background analysis, solutions or  why/how the ACCA finds itself  to be a second class accountancy body. It does not even discuss the role of senior management in making ACCA a second rate body.

ACCA qualifications are not internationally recognized. Its qualifications are of little relevance to industry and it is highly vulnerable to changes in government policies.

ACCA's weaknesses are
a.       some lack of clarity in its image in the UK and the need to maintain both a global identity and a large number of individual national identities .

b.     the fact that the majority of practising members are at the small end of the market (and appear reluctant to work in larger units or through consortia) with the result that ACCA is particularly affected by the UK Government focus on deregulation.

c.     the perceived lack of relevance of the ACCA qualification for blue chip companies which flows from the practice oriented focus and its strength in small practices and SMEs.

d.    the difficult balancing act between Council's wish for ACCA to be part of various pan-professional structures and the need to achieve differentiation and competitive advantage.

e.    the absence of full recognition in North america, Australia and South Africa.

f.    a group of dissident members who absorb resources and damage ACCA's image.