ACCA has surpassed itself. More cronies of the unelected leadership have
stood for council elections than ever before.
Their election statements are silent on what really matters to members. None
has any proposals to
- give members a library,
- end censorship of the magazine,
- democratize the Association,
- ensure that Officeholders
ar elected by members
- end vote rigging
- give local autonomy to members,
- improve membership services,
- tell members about the regulatory
- topple the empires being
built by the bureaucrats,
- stop milking of students,
- demand value for money from
the management
Do any of the candidates deserve your vote?
One thing is sure. The cronies will be 'appointed' by the leadership because
officeholders will use their proxy votes to make sure that they will. Most
members already know this and less than 10% are likely to vote.