ACCA has made a habit of exploiting students. Year after year students are forced to subsidise the profligacy of ACCA management.
The 1999 accounts show that before the allocation of central overheads ACCA received the following net income from its students.
1999 1998
£000s £000s
Certified Diploma
161 250
ACCA Students
4,477 3,396
Technician Qualifications 524
5,162 3,784
The above works out at £14,142 every day.
ACCA claims to have more than 170,000 students in 130 countries.
In 1999, only 8,000 passed the final examination. Most will never qualify.
Yet they are exploited to finance the grandiose plans of the ACCA management.
Without exploitation of students, is the ACCA viable? Students from
poor developing countries are being ruthlessly exploited. Is this ethical?