As expected, the ACCA propaganda machine has begun spreading false information and smearing Anthony Thomas, the organizer of the EGM.

In a statement issued to Accountancy Age (not yet placed on ACCA web site), ACCA claims that that " This is the third EGM in four years, called by broadly the same group of members to discuss broadly the same concerns. "

The ACCA statement is factually wrong on number of counts.

The ACCA leadership clearly is not reflecting on its policies which are clearly the reason for dissatisfaction amongst a large number of members. The ACCA leadership is already lying and the debate has barely begun. It is a foretaste of things to come.

The ACCA propaganda machine also claims that "Anthony Thomas delivered his requisition on 18 November, three weeks after informing ACCA of his intentions. During that time, the President asked him repeatedly to set out his concerns in writing as the basis for a meeting. It is a great pity that he was unwilling to do so - as a meeting could have allayed his concerns, which he never voiced during 12 years on Council."

AABA has asked Thomas to respond to the above. Thomas confirms that he requisitioned the EGM on 18th November 1999. However, contrary to the claims of the Association, he delayed the requisition because he sought a meeting with President John Brockwell (unaccompanied by ACCA chief executive Anthea Rose) "anywhere in the country". This offer was not taken up, or perhaps Mr. Brockwell was not allowed to accept this invitation (by you know who). ACCA has failed to publicly produce the correspondence with Thomas to back up its claims.

ACCA members should note the tactics of the ACCA leadership. When is it going answer the real questions and make itself accountable to members? That is the only long-term solution.