ACCA £100,000 Party

ACCA subscriptions continue to increase and members get a poor service. There isn't even a library to enable members to obtain  useful information.

The leadership is not elected by members and does not give a damn about members' views. The council election ballots are rigged. ACCA council is "appointed" by the President's delegated proxy votes rather than elected. The AGMs are stage managed to limit questions and scrutiny.

The ACCA will shortly be having its annual, all expenses paid binge at a five-star hotel. All council members, ACCA senior staff and their spouses are all invited to this annual 'bonding session'. The official spin is that ACCA's senior people need to discuss strategy. Obviously, they can't function without luxurious surroundings, wine, gyms, saunas and champagne for themselves and their spouses. Funny, they never discuss it with members. when did any council member ever put forward any strategic idea in their election address or at the AGM. council members don't utter word at the AGMs though they always raise their hands to oppose any motion for reforms.

ACCA members will continue to have their pockets picked until they directly elect the leadership. As long as members continue to sanction subscription increases without any services they won't be able to curb the excesses.