13 March 2000


Thank you for your letter of 9 March. Perhaps, you would be kind enough to show me a council minute, dated before the deadline for submitting council election papers, that shows that council ever prohibited the mention of web sites. I can give you numerous examples where the election statements by white candidates invite ACCA members to look for information that expands the statements in the election address. No one ever objected to those. Why not? Perhaps, you could let me know whether the Association has communicated the same exact instructions, or restrictions that have been imposed upon me, to any white election candidate. The consistent failure to even make any attempt to answer the questions leads to only one inescapable conclusion.

As regards allegations of ‘defamatory’, perhaps you would like to reflect upon the conduct of ACCA officials. Perhaps, you might care to start with the public statements by an ACCA Vice President at an EGM, who in full office regalia, at a speech prepared with the help of senior officials, referred to me as WANKER (subsequently changed to WANCCA), racist and anti-Semitic. It drew laughter from the senior people on the platform, and a subsequent defence from the then ACCA President. You might also care to look at the briefing notes tabled at ACCA council meetings.

Perhaps, you could look at the letters sent by ACCA officials to editors of magazines even when the articles in dispute are not written by me. Perhaps, you have an explanation of the racist ACCA press release of 6th May 1999, as it only mentions one non-white unsuccessful council election candidate by name. Then there have been hate campaigns in the official magazine with no right of reply. This is just some of the evidence (and there is more) and shows a policy of deliberate racist harassment. Perhaps, you would be could enough to let me know whether any white member of the ACCA has been treated in a similar manner by ACCA officials. By now you would know that any complaints of racist harassment lodged with ACCA do not lead to any independent investigation, or even an acknowledgement that President would refer them to any committee.

I am sure you would agree that it is the duty of all citizens to let the public and various authorities have the full facts of institutionalised racism at ACCA.

Yours sincerely

Prem Sikka