29 February 2000

Dear Professor Sikka

Elections to Council 2000

I refer to your fax of 28 February 2000.

As 1 have previously informed you, the legal advice on inclusion of web site addresses, etc was first obtained some years ago when a candidate for the International Assembly sought to include such a reference in his election statement.  For reasons of consistency, this ruling is now applied to the election statements of all candidates in either the Council or the International Assembly elections.  The same also applies to the use of e-mail addresses in election statements.

You were the first Council candidate to seek to include a web site address in an election statement. I can assure you that, if any other Council candidates were to seek to include web site references in their election statements, their material would be handled in exactly the same way as yours has been.  In this regard, Council considered the question of the inclusion of web site addresses in election statements at its last meeting.  The relevant extract from the minutes reads as follows:

"Council also noted the Statement on Elections to Council.  It confirmed that references to web site addresses should not be included in candidates' election statements."

Further to my letter of 24 February, please note that your election statement will be published without the reference to your web site.  If you do not wish us to publish the election statement, or if you wish to add a comment that ACCA declined to include your web site address, you must let me know by return.

Yours sincerely