7 February 2000

Dear Professor Sikka

Elections to Council 2000

I acknowledge receipt of your nomination papers for the 2000 elections to Council. I confirm that I have nominations in support of your candidacy from at least ten members in good standing with ACCA.  You are duly entered, therefore, in the list of candidates for the 2000 elections to Council.

I also acknowledge receipt of your photograph and your election address.  The election address has been reviewed by our lawyers who advise that the reference to the website should be deleted.  This is a way of candidates circumventing the 180 word limit and is therefore a breach of ACCA election rules.  This action has been taken with previous candidates in ACCA elections.

For your information, the Standing Orders for the conduct of Council business include a Statement of the Functions and Responsibilities of Council Members.  Council has agreed that candidates for Council should be asked to indicate their acceptance of this Code of Practice. I enclose a copy of it herewith.  The AGM papers will specify those candidates, if any, who have not indicated their acceptance of the Code.

You should also be aware that Council maintains a Register of Council Members' Interests and that this is a public document. I enclose for your information a copy of the form which Council members are asked to complete annually.

Yours sincerely

7 February 2000

Dear Professor Sikka

Elections to Council 2000

I acknowledge receipt of your nomination papers for the 2000 elections to Council. I confirm that I have nominations in support of your candidacy from at least ten members in good standing with ACCA.  You are duly entered, therefore, in the list of candidates for the 2000 elections to Council.

I also acknowledge receipt of your photograph and your election address.  The election address has been reviewed by our lawyers who advise that the reference to the website should be deleted.  This is a way of candidates circumventing the 180 word limit and is therefore a breach of ACCA election rules.  This action has been taken with previous candidates in ACCA elections.

For your information, the Standing Orders for the conduct of Council business include a Statement of the Functions and Responsibilities of Council Members.  Council has agreed that candidates for Council should be asked to indicate their acceptance of this Code of Practice. I enclose a copy of it herewith.  The AGM papers will specify those candidates, if any, who have not indicated their acceptance of the Code.

You should also be aware that Council maintains a Register of Council Members' Interests and that this is a public document. I enclose for your information a copy of the form which Council members are asked to complete annually.

Yours sincerely