ACCA Council Election is a Fix
ACCA council elections are a farce. In the age of
one-person-one-vote ACCA flouts all decency and permits unelected
officeholders to cast a large number of votes. For the 2005 council
elections the officeholders cast 739 votes, large enough to
change the outcome of the election. There is no transparency about such
The officeholders do not indicate the cronies who have benefited from
such votes and why some candidates, including those poll more votes
from members, are not favoured.
The delegated proxy voting system operated by ACCA is unlawful. Similar
voting system was operated by UK trade unions in the 1980s, but was
outlawed. Yet ACCA still operates this system. As a result council is
"appointed" rather than elected. Is it any surprise that ACCA
members have no confidence in the unelected leadership, council or