Please return this form to Mr. Anthony G. Thorne, 43 Mornington Road, Chingford, London E4 7DT, UK. It can also be faxed: +44+(0)20 8279 5501.

We the undersigned propose that ACCA council shall seek the consent of Privy council to amend the bye-laws relating to the holding of all annual and special meetings, commencing with the 2002 AGM by the insertion of the following:

"ACCA members shall be able to attend all annual and special meetings of the Association by simultaneous attendance and participation at more than one place. The places for the purposes of the holding of the meetings shall be at the minimum be all locations at which the Association has an office plus such places at which the relevant communications technologies can be installed and which can guarantee an attendance of at least ten members. The members present in person or by proxy at each meeting shall be counted in the quorum for, and entitled to vote at, the meeting in question. The meeting shall be duly constituted and its proceedings valid only of the chairman of the meeting is satisfied that members attending at all the meeting places are : able to participate in the business for which the meeting has been convened; hear and see all persons who speak by the use of audio and visual communications in all locations; be heard and seen by all other present so present in the same way.

NAME                        ADDRESS                               SIGNATURE










