ACCA has confirmed an EGM will be held, at a cost of £80,000,
on 17 February, following news that the association has received over 100
signatures in support of the move, provoked by concerns over the
association's governance.
Anthony Thomas, who is leading the calls for an EGM, said that
he was disappointed things had had to go so far, and he had tried
and failed to arrange a meeting with ACCA president John Brockwell in order
to avoid the £80,000 costs of holding the emergency meeting.
'I repeatedly wrote to ACCA and said that I was willing to go anywhere in the UK to meet Brockwell but he would not even let me meet him on the day of a council meeting because he was too busy,' he said.
Supporters of Thomas include president-elect Ray Gardiner who was given a vote of no-confidence on the day that he was due to take his presidency earlier this year.
He denounced a recent statement issued by ACCA which included references that Thomas had never voiced his concerns during his 12 years as a council member. 'Having sat on council alongside Anthony Thomas and chaired and attended meetings in his presence, I can only say such a statement beggars belief. The records will show that he was never afraid to raise questions and articulate his views both in committee and behind the scenes,' he said.
In total, five former council members have signed the motion for
an EGM and Thomas said that that was enough in itself to warrant the meeting.
An ACCA source challenged the corporate governance criticisms that the
EGM seeks to address, stating that the rebellious group were trying to
turn the clock back and another EGM will ensure 'more months of distraction
from the real business of ACCA'.